Tips and Tricks For Improving Your Vocabulary

Learning new words is probably one of the hardest things while studying a foreign language.
Luckily there are lots of tricks on how to memorize them, here’s a few:

  1. Keep Your Focus on Phrases
    Memorizing stand-alone words isn’t very helpful if you don’t know how to use them in
    conversation or in a sentence. Instead, when you stumble upon a new word try to
    remember the whole phrase, rather than the word itself. The best way you can do this is
    by listening to podcasts, watching TV shows or reading a book in the language you’re
    learning, because they use phrases that are very common to natives. Тhey definitely can
    be extremely helpful.
  2. Keywords
    A really helpful process while learning a foreign language is a method known as the
    ‘Keyword Method’. This process includes combining images and sounds to remember
    new words. Firstly, think of a word or a phrase that sounds like the word you’re trying to
    learn in your own language. Then create an image of a connection between the two.
    Using this technique regularly is definitely going to help you expand your vocabulary.
  3. Revision Is Key
    As you’ve probably heard, revision is key when learning new things. Foreign languages
    are no exception. A helpful trick is to write down new words or phrases on sticky notes
    and put them on places where you’ll see them often (e.g. a mirror, fridge). Since you are
    reading them a couple of times, they are bound to stay in your memory and also it saves
    a lot of time.

There’s no alternate for daily revision. Use these tricks as much as you can, but don’t
forget to write, read, listen and say new words regularly. Your vocabulary will widen in