Why is it important for teachers to get to know their students?
It is a fact that children learn better in a friendly and comfortable environment, and that way the teachers can feel confident that they their students are going to achieve success in their class. In order to create that kind of environment, the teachers must get to know their students. Having deeper knowledge about your students will increase the rate of success in the classroom and it will make them feel secure in a surrounding like that.
Firstly, it is very important for the teacher to get to know the students as learners. From the moment the student enters in the classroom, the teacher has an opportunity to observe and to learn how each pupil learns and absorbs information. Once a teacher learns the weaknesses and the strengths of each student, it will become easier to help them in their learning process. The students will figure out this pretty soon, and that way they will start feeling secure in the classroom. This means that they will be encouraged to improve and not be afraid of making mistakes, because they will know that their teacher is there to help them every step of the way.
Another thing that is really important in the classroom is that the teacher needs to learn their students as people. This way, whenever a student becomes upset or has a difficult time with something, the teacher will take a certain approach and change this situation. That is why knowing your students’ interests and hobbies outside the classroom are really helpful in the teaching process.
Since the teachers often deal with large classes, it is very useful to use interesting forms where the students can write down their information and also, draw themselves, so later the teacher can read all about them and use that information whenever it is needed. It is a good idea to put all of those forms as a kind of a decoration in the classroom, so the students will feel as an important part of that environment.