Happy in the Classroom: 6 Things Which Will Make Your Child Enjoy Learning
We all know that the classroom is second home to both teachers and students and that is why this kind of place needs to be comfortable and cozy. Having a classroom in which you feel safe and happy leads to better results in learning various skills needed for the future in the global world.
When students step in the classroom for the first time, their first instinct is to observe each detail of the classroom and make a judgment about the type of class that they will be taking for the whole year. This refers to every student regardless of the age. It is surprising how even the youngest students can spot every tiny detail in the classroom.
They observe everything, from seating arrangement to wall posters. This way they learn more about how the classes are going to be conducted, how they are going to communicate during the lessons, what kind of tasks they will need to do, etc.
In order to create a pleasant place for learning, there are few things that need to be considered:
1. Seating Arrangement
We are all accustomed to the ordinary seating in rows or columns and we usually expect this kind of arrangement even before entering the classroom. This way of seating is suitable for every classroom, encourages independent work and it is easier for the teacher to supervise. But, when it comes to young students, i.e. children and teenagers, it is better to aim for different kinds of seating arrangements. For example, arranging the tables in small groups or in horseshoe-way will give the students better chances of communicating with their classmates and the teacher, encourage them to participate in discussions and activities, foster the relationship between the students and the educator. And also, this way you create a large area for demonstrations and presentations.
2. Colorful set up
Children love colors and having a colorful environment will make them tremendously happy. Using different colors for supplies and decorations will create such a pleasant learning place, so that children will enjoy every lesson they have. Learning is not a favorite thing for every student, but with creating a warm environment that can change.
3. Responsibilities in the classroom
Teaching responsibility in the classroom is very important. By teaching the students to be responsible in the classroom, you are also teaching them to be responsible at home and in their communities. Also, when students are given certain roles that they need to maintain, they feel that their presence in the classroom is important. Classroom jobs for the students are always fun, especially when they are themed and eye-catching.
4. Brain-break activities
Teachers need to keep in mind that learning can be both difficult and tiring for students. Also, there are times when difficult things need to be learned and that can impose a great stress on the students. In order to make these situations easier for children, it is always good to have a break. The brain-break activities are classroom activities that are limited to five minutes and usually involve physical activity. These are a great way to take students’ minds off the difficult tasks and to regain their focus for further learning. Children love them and so do the teachers.
5. Positive thoughts and quotes
Negative thinking is like an enormous wall that is keeping you from accomplishing goals and it can hold the students back from their true potential. That is why it is very important to start encouraging children to think positively from the early childhood. In this case, the parents play a crucial role, but since the classroom is a second home for the child, the teacher also plays a big part. And what is a better way to inspire optimism than ensuring that hopefulness is all around? It is always nice to start you lesson with a positive quote and also creating posters all around the classroom which will constantly remind the children that positivity is the key to success.
6. 6. Reward the effort
Among all of the tasks and homework, it can happen that the child will lose motivation and that can hold him or her back from improving in the learning process. In order to maintain the motivation of the students and to keep inspiring them to succeed, it is a good idea to set up a reward system. The rewards in the classroom are usually small, but the students appreciate them and they like it when their work is acknowledged.