Center for Foreign Languages ‘Big Ben’ organizes preparation for taking the internationally recognized English language examinations:

  • Preparatory Course for taking the FCE exam
  • Preparatory Course for taking the CAE exam
  • Preparatory Course for taking the CPE exams

Preparatory courses for taking the FCE, CAE and CPE exams allow you to save and place some of these exams and thus get confirmation about your level of knowledge that is required in most universities in English-speaking countries, the world’s largest companies (when applying for a job and practice ) or when applying for some scholarships.

FCE (First Certificate in English) is the upper intermediate level Cambridge exams in English. On a scale of Joint Council of Europe Framework labeled B2. Possession of a certificate is confirming that a candidate has sufficient language skills to be able to cope independently in English-speaking countries and to be able to precisely understand and provides information on the language. This certificate is accepted as confirmation of sufficient knowledge for the job and some studies across the UK and around the world. FCE exam opens the door for further education and professional training, as well as the door to higher levels of Cambridge ESOL – CAE and CPE.

CAE (Certificate of Advanced English) is the first of the two highest level Cambridge exams in English. On a scale of Joint Council of Europe Framework labeled C1. Participants at this level are expected to confidently cope with most situations in society, at work and on higher education studies in English-speaking countries. CAE exam is proof that the candidate is able to: monitor all academic courses at the university level; communicate effectively at managerial and professional level; confidently participate in workshops or academic lectures and seminars. CAE is a certificate that is recognized by almost all universities and colleges in the UK, as well as many others in the world, including employers.

CPE (Certificate of Proficiency in English) is the highest level Cambridge exams in English. On a scale of Joint Council of Europe Framework labeled C2. At this level students are approaching Standard English, which is close to the language of educated native speaker. It is designed for those who use English for professional and academic purposes. CPE certificate is recognized by almost all universities and colleges in the UK, and many others around the world, as evidence of the level of knowledge required to attend courses of higher education or postgraduate studies. Many employers also recognize this certificate.