How can you benefit from speaking English?

Most ESL students spend years studying English without having any actual opportunities to
speak or discuss topics in the language itself. That being said, when the opportunity presents
itself most students find it nerve-wracking to speak out loud bearing in mind that they won’t do a
very good job.

Discover your strengths and weaknesses

Speaking English is the best way to show if you have any gaps in grammar and vocabulary. If
you’re having any difficulty or you struggle with expressing something, you can easily realize
where you’re making a mistake or where you’re actually doing a good job. Speaking is the best
indicator for showing which areas of the language you need to improve. Also having a regular
speaking partner can help you relax and encourage you to speak even more.

Become better conversationalist

Speaking is also a great way for ESL students to improve their communication skills. Once
students have the necessary skills, they can easily open up and chat to other people about topics
that interest them, which also is a big motivational booster for them to continue studying. With
active and continuous speaking, your fluency and memory of the language will improve a great
deal as well.

Create more opportunities for yourself

Since English is the most used language worldwide, naturally this means that it opens up a lot of
opportunities for it’s’ speakers. This means you can make friends more easily, have more success
with job interviews, even opening up new possibilities to travel. Through communicating, you
greatly improve your vocabulary and it also helps you tremendously with learning new things.