Why You Should Take The FCE Exam

Are you planning to take the FCE exam? Not sure how it could be useful for you? Here is a list of reasons why the exam would come to your benefit!

  1. Be Flexible With Your Studies
    For most people learning a new language can be quite time consuming; you need to spend lots of time in classrooms with fixed schedules and exam dates.
    Well, this is not the case for the FCE exam, because for it, you can study freely, at your own pace. Exam dates are usually held all year round, so you can choose whenever to take it and take as much time as you need to prepare for it.
  2. A Great Starting Point
    The FCE is a great starting point to perfect your English skills even more. The exam offers a great foundation in order for you to continue your studies for your personal qualifications or other exams – such as the CAE.
  3. Accepted All Around The World
    Probably the most important aspect of the FCE exam is that it’s recognized and accepted all around the world. This means, whether you need it for university or job applications it is assured that your English skills are accepted. Also, this gives you a much greater advantage at getting accepted in any institution, just because it’s worldwide recognition.
  4. Travel With It!
    In addition of being internationally recognized , the FCE would be very beneficial if you plan on working or studying in the UK. If you’re applying for a Visa, the exam offers you a greater chance of being granted one.
  5. Cover Every Aspect Of The English Language
    One thing that you should know about the examination is that it covers all aspects of the English language- brush up on your skills in writing, reading, listening, use of English and speaking. This helps you tremendously in polishing up your skills which can be greatly beneficial if you’re planning to work or study in an English-oriented place or just your general use of English.
  6. What are you waiting for? With so many gains from the exam, it’s sure to help you academically or professionally.